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George Bushor newspaper article


George Bushor Fell 2000 Feet When He Cut Loose.


One-Armed Aeronaut Landed in Pond – Ropes Had Been Scorched by Coming in Contact with Electric Wires in Previous Descent – Later Made Another Ascent.

Manchester (New Hampshire) Union, September 14, 1909 – George Bushor, a one-armed aeronaut, had a narrow and sensational escape from death at Pine Island park yesterday afternoon when he made a balloon ascension and the parachute failed to operate properly as he cut loose more than 2000 feet in the air.

Bushor, who is about 25 years old and a former resident of Manchester, came down with lightning rapidity and created consternation among several hundred spectators who witnessed the ascension from the park. In fact two or three women standing near the main pavillion, watching intently his perilous flight and spectacular descent, fainted and had to be taken care of by some of the park officials.

Fortunately Bushor landed in the pond and was soon rescued by several employes who had been dispatched by Manager Gallagher in a boat. The accident, it is claimed, was due to the condition of the ropes of the parachute, eleven of them breaking while Bushor was in mid-air.

Bushor went to Franklin Labor day where he filled an engagement to make an ascension that had been arranged by Mr. Gallagher. The parachute landed on live electric wires and some of the ropes were badly scorched. The power at the electric light plant had to be shut off before the parachute could be taken down.

Mr. Bushor inspected the ropes before he made his ascension yesterday afternoon and believed that they were in sufficient condition to warrant his going ahead. George Wilson, one of the leading employes at the park, however, cautioned him and expressed the opinion that he was taking chances.

When Bushor had reached a point about 2000 feet high, Mr. Wilson realizing that there might be danger, fired the shot as a signal for Bushor to cut loose with the parachute. Bushor did so, and as the parachute failed to work, he came down like an automobile racing at a mile a minute, guided by one of the most daring chauffeurs.

Bushor struck the water in the pond with a thud and it was first believed that he had been killed or seriously injured. To the surprise of those who went to his rescue he escaped permanent injury. Last night with a display of great courage, he made another ascension which was highly successful.

Bushor is using the same balloon which landed on the dome of the state house in Boston some years ago and which Manager Gallagher recently purchased for use at Pine Island park.

Note: The article is transcribed exactly as it appeared in the Manchester Union.

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