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Addresses for Cronkite and Rooney
For those of you who only care about how to get in touch with Walter Cronkite or Andy Rooney, the best thing to do is to write them at CBS. Here are the addresses I used to contact Cronkite and Rooney.

Mr. Walter Cronkite
CBS News
544 West 57th Street
New York, New York 10019

Mr. Andrew A. Rooney
524 West 57th Street
New York, New York 10019-2985

Cronkite is unbelievably busy, but has a couple of secretaries who may answer your mail. Rooney has been very gracious to me, sending me a very nice letter about Robert Post. But of course he gets tons of mail too. Good luck.

Both Cronkite and Rooney are dead, but I'm leaving this page up in their memory.

May they Rest in Peace.
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Copyright 1996-2011, Jim Hamilton
Questions? Send an e-mail to jim@greenharbor.com