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About This Site
When this site first went live in 1996, its purpose was to showcase some early research and to provide a place where anyone with knowledge about The Writing 69th could contact the author. Since the publication of the book in 1999, the site serves to bring wider visibility to The Writing 69th, as well as the efforts of the U.S. 8th Air Force in its early days in England.
This page is the starting point for topics that are related to this research as well as the process of having a research web site like this. Topics include:

Jim Hamilton, the author of The Writing 69th, is now working on several other projects, including The Free Fall Research Page, which is dedicated to recording the stories of a select group of people have survived a fall of thousands of feet without a working parachute.

Copyright 1996-2003, Jim Hamilton
Questions? Send an e-mail to jim@greenharbor.com